Pokémon is a series of video games developed by Game Freak. Pokémon is recognised as the most comprehensive media franchise of hit anime series, movies and merchandise, and its spin-off game Pokémon has exceeded 1 billion mobile game downloads worldwide. Our stunning product set includes four mini-ceramic Pokémon-themed espresso mugs.
- Officially licensed model in the gift box
- A set of yellow cups of espresso Pokémon and model Pikachu.
- Pack of 4 ceramic espresso cups with high-quality decorative prints.
- Officially licensed model in a gift box.
- Capacity 0.15 litres (150 ml).
Pokémon is a series of video games developed by Game Freak. Pokémon is recognised as the most comprehensive media franchise of hit anime series, movies and merchandise, and its spin-off game Pokémon has exceeded 1 billion mobile game downloads worldwide. Our stunning product set includes four mini-ceramic Pokémon-themed espresso mugs.
- Officially licensed model in the gift box
- A set of yellow cups of espresso Pokémon and model Pikachu.
- Pack of 4 ceramic espresso cups with high-quality decorative prints.
- Officially licensed model in a gift box.
- Capacity 0.15 litres (150 ml).