How Many Harry Potter Books are There?
Written by the renowned J.K. Rowling, the Harry Potter series follows the journey of the 'Boy Who Lived,' Harry Potter, as he discovers his magical powers and potential.
Over seven books, Harry navigates the complexities of the wizarding world, facing the dark wizard Voldemort, who failed to kill him as a child. From uncovering the truth about his parents, building a bond with Dumbledore, meeting his godfather, battling Dementors, to finally defeating Voldemort, Harry forms lifelong friendships. The series consists of 7 captivating books, each filled with magic, adventure, and unforgettable moments.
Let's take a glimpse of Harry Potter's universe
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
In the wizarding world, Harry Potter is seen due to the Boy Who Lived. But he's no quite nuisance at Privet Drive, where he lives with his aunt and her family.
All these changes as the 11-year-old get news that he has been accepted to the Witchcraft and Wizardry Hogwarts School.
Accompanies Hagrid, the gamekeeper of Hogwarts, to buy all of his school supplies and his wand. He receives his owl, Hedwig, as a birthday present from Hagrid He took his first train to Hogwarts from Platform nine and three quarters, where he was helped by the Wesley’s. In the forthcoming years, the Wesley’s become his family. On the train and throughout the entire book series, Harry Potter is subjected to whispering wherever he goes.
Checkout Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone book by series
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Living at Privet Drive should become bearable for Harry because he just possesses to spend the vacations there, right? It's wrong. Somebody performed magic on Privet Drive, and this isn't Harry! But he has been issued a warning because he's underage and not permitted to undertake magic outside Hogwarts.
So Harry is now under lock and key. But not for long! Ron, alongside his overage twin brothers, Fred and George, involves in rescuing Harry from a flying car! Harry stays in The Burrow with the Weasleys for the rest of the summer season.
Checkout Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets book by series
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry has completed two years at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and is looking forward to the third year. But after a touch ‘incident’ where he blows up his cousin, Dudley’s aunt, Aunt Marge, Harry storms away from Privet Drive. He takes an adventurous bus to Diagon Alley.
He is surprised to hunt out that he hasn’t been expelled from school for underage magic and truly most are relieved to hunt out that he's safe.
Checkout Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban book by series
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and therefore the Goblet of the fire is filled with plenty of action. Harry's scar sometimes burns, and he has intense and disturbing nightmares. In one of his dreams, he sees an individual being murdered by Nagini, Voldemort’s snake. Meanwhile, back at Hogwarts, there is a replacement Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Mad-Eye Moody.
And an exciting event is on the brink of taking place! The Triwizard Tournament! Students from two other wizarding schools reach Hogwarts to participate in the championship. Participants are Viktor Krum from Durmstrang and Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons. Harry is underage but someone hoodwinks the goblet of the fire into accepting his name.
Checkout Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire book by series
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Among the darker books within the Harry Potter book series, Harry Potter and therefore the
Order of the Phoenix is that the primary after Voldemort involves life. Harry and his cousin Dudley are being targeted by Dementors on Privet Drive, and Harry uses the Patronus Charm to fend them off. He's then summoned to a hearing at the Ministry for performing magic within the presence of Muggles.
Checkout Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix book by series
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
The 6th book in the Harry Potter Book Series, Harry Potter, and the Half-Blood Prince gives us experiences with Severus Snape. This is likewise the book in which Dumbledore kicks the bucket. He leaves the duty of finding and devastating the leftover Horcruxes, to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
Checkout Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince book by series
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The last and the last one in the Harry Potter Book Series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, is the haziest of Harry Potter books. Dumbledore is dead, Snape is currently the head administrator of Hogwarts, and like never before, everybody is persuaded that Snape executed Dumbledore for Voldemort.
Checkout Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book by series
However, before the finish of the book, we realize exactly how wrong we were! Snape had consistently been infatuated with Lily, Harry's mom, and, at extraordinary individual danger consistently tried to ensure Harry. Then, left with weird items passed on to them in Dumbledore's will, Harry, Ron, and Hermione try to crush the excess Horcruxes. You can discover your own Patronus by having fun and playing the "What is Your Patronus" quiz.