Harry Potter Platform 9 3/4 facts you didn't know

Harry Potter Platform 9 3/4 facts you didn't know

The fascinating Harry Potter platform hidden in London's King's Cross Station is called platform 9 3/4 as it is secretly located between platforms 9 and 10. It's the only place anyone traveling to Hogwarts can catch the express train. 

So, how much do you know about the Hogwarts Express in Harry Potter, from the origin of the platform to the way students and Hogwarts professors got to school before that?  Well here are some interesting facts about the magical express. 

 Since The Mid-19th Century

Platform nine and three quarters was founded in the mid-19th century. After the wizarding government installed the railroad tracks and built the Hogwarts Express, the next step was to create a platform in Hogsmeade. There was no need to hide this place as the village was made up of only witches and wizards. 

Six Days Every School Year

Since the platform's only function is to transport students from Hogwarts to London and vice versa, it makes sense that the place should be closed most of the time. There is one trip for the beginning and the end of each quarter and two for each of the main seasons, the Christmas and Easter holidays.

Professors and Hogwarts Express

Hogwarts Professors could travel by train, although this seems strange (only Lupine, Slughorn and Moody are mentioned) Either they could fly on a broom or they could use the floo net. Or they could use a portkey. Or they could show up at Hogsmade and walk up the hill. 


The Ministry handles slip ups 

Even with this incredibly clever plan, the crowds that populate platform nine and three-quarters are prone to making small mistakes that are imperceptible to themselves but potentially pose a serious threat to detection. For example, accidentally exposing textbooks or magical materials, making too much noise when crossing the platform barrier, etc. Therefore, the government will appoint certain employees within the above six days to perform a last-minute memory correction if necessary.


The barrier is not immune to elf magic

Access to the dedicated platform is through a barrier between Platforms 9 and 10, through which travelers can get from King's Cross Station to the Hogwarts Express. Because of this, this room has been infused with a multitude of complex spells that prevent it from being easily discovered or damaged in any way. However, this rule clearly doesn't apply to house-elves, as evidenced by the way Dobby manages to effortlessly keep Harry from getting to the train on time.


How did the students get to Hogwarts before?

When muggles and wizards lived in harmony. the students went to Hogwarts as they pleased. This included brooms, cargo vehicles, magical beasts, etc., but these modes of transportation were not without disruptive results and largely avoidable accidents that happened to both students and Hogwarts Professors


Which is your favorite fact about Hogwarts Express, Tell us in the comments. Also check out house of Spells for incredible collection of Harry Potter Merchandise😍

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