Harry Potter: Facts You Didn't Know About Dobby The House Elf
Dobby the house elf made his first appearance in the Chamber of Secrets and immediately became one of Harry Potter's most beloved characters. Although he tries to prevent Harry from returning to Hogwarts at first, it quickly becomes clear that Dobby cares a lot for Harry and is a great love.
Follow him through the books and see how he becomes a free elf and really becomes everything he wanted. Dobby was always there for Harry, protecting him and doing his best for him. That is what makes Dobby such a wonderful character and it can be said that he would give anything for Harry.
It proved that even a house elf can do incredible things, and his death was one of the most tragic parts of the series; In fact, we're still not sure if someone has made a full recovery. To help you remember the house-elf who loves socks, here are ten facts you didn't know about Dobby.
Dobby's Familiar Voice Actor
You can't see it directly on the screen, but Dobby's voice should be incredibly familiar and make you remember. The Winter Soldier, where he plays Arnim Zola. He also starred in The Hunger Games and Sherlock. His voice definitely played a huge role in making Dobby the lovable character we all love.
He Negotiated His Own Wages
When Dobby became a free elf, he took a well-deserved break, but then wanted to get back to work. Dobby loved being free and would never be an unpaid slave again. Took a job at Hogwarts, with Dumbledore offering him ten Galleons a week and with all weekends off. Although Dobby wanted to be paid, it was never about money so he turned down Dumbledore's offer and only asked for one Galleon a week. Get this Harry Potter toys
Dobby is one of many characters who leave a lasting impression on fans. His death was particularly heartbreaking and one of the most shocking moments in all of seven-part history. Dobby has a statue in the Warner Brothers studio that is incredibly realistic, and fans have been excited to pay homage to it. Visitors have started leaving socks on the statue, which Dobby would love. Some fans even pull their socks off their own feet to be remembered.
Dobby's Friend Winky
While the films don't show this wonderful relationship, Dobby and Winky's friendship really shows Dobby's heart. Winky was Barty Crouch's house-elf. When he released her, she couldn't bear it.
Dobby found a job at Hogwarts, but she still didn't know what to do with herself. Winky became a heavy drinker of Butterbeer, which had no effect on humans. With a house-elf, however, she was very powerful and became a heavy drinker. Dobby was always there for her, taking care of her while she was drinking.
Dobby's Illustration
With the new edition of Harry Potter, completely new illustrations were added. Jim Kay was the illustrator for the series and had the task of giving Dobby a new illustration. He drew on the descriptions in the novels in his illustration and did an amazing job.
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