Facts about Hogwarts professors | House of Spells

Facts about Hogwarts Professors that you may have missed

The teachers at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are an exceptionally eccentric cast of characters. But readers and viewers of the "Harry Potter" series do not learn much about their lives. Many of the characters are particularly fascinating, and it seems that studying at the school of magic is much more interesting than studying in real life. But the fairy tale can come true, as you can always buy assignment, UK. With all of this in mind, here are some little-known facts about Hogwarts professors that you may have missed! With all of this in mind, here are some little-known facts about Hogwarts professors that you may have missed!

Muggle Professors

Minerva McGonagall, the transformation teacher, and Dolores Umbridge, one of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers are mixed race Hogwarts professors. McGonagall is the daughter of a Muggle Minister who knew nothing of his wife's abilities until her daughter began to show her own magical signs. Umbridge is also a mixed, but she was embarrassed and angry about the fact. She came to hate her muggle mother and all the other muggles, which resulted in more cruel adult behavior.

Sorting hat and McGonagall

The early years at Hogwarts are divided into one of the four houses (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin) by an enchanted sorting hat. Every now and then, however, the apparently omniscient hat is confused. When McGonagall was identified as a child, the hat took more than five minutes to determine her home, known as the "Hatstall" according to Wizarding World. Eventually McGonagall was assigned to Gryffindor, where she later became Prefect, Headmistress, and Head of House. The sorting hat almost got them to Ravenclaw.

The Dueling Champion

Fans know Filius Flitwick as the lovable Hogwarts professor. But in Chamber of Secrets, Hermione pointed out that he was a champion duel war in his youth. The Battle of Hogwarts marked the first time in the series that these were truly put to the test, and Flitwick successfully knows several Death Eaters, related to Yaxley and Dolohov.


Dumbledore's Humanly Hobbies

According to Pottermore author J.K. Rowling's website for fans of the series Dumbledore's favorite hobbies include 10-pin bowling and chamber music. Apparently, being the most powerful wizard out there can get a little boring


Always all about himself

Apparently, even when Gilderoy Lockhart was a student at Hogwarts, he needed endless approval, praise, and attention. He formed his name in giant letters on the Quidditch pitch, sent a giant picture of his own face in the sky for everyone to admire, and even handed out nearly 1,000 Valentine's cards. The number of owls was so great that the entire Great Hall had to be closed.


Experience required at Hogwarts

To qualify for the application, an individual must have at least three years of experience in a specific field. It may seem like anyone can become a Hogwarts professor, but the minimum age is 21, and Snape was that age when he got the job and become Hogwarts youngest teacher.

If You are an ardent fan of Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts Here are the must have merchandise and Harry Potter collectables that you should check out.

 Check out our blog on Interesting Facts about Harry Potter's Hogwarts

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