The story of Harry Potter is filled with spells and sword fights, witches and wizards, and so much more. But what makes the series more interesting is its depiction of the lives of women in a 'manly' world. This women's day, let's celebrate the women who stood for a worthy cause since the beginning of the Wizarding War.
Dedicated to those brave warriors who stood their ground and fought for the stronger cause when it mattered the most, we will introduce you to some of our favourite witches, from the girl-in-the-trio Hermione to 'Loony' Luna Lovegood, featured in the Harry Potter series.
A genius and an epitome of witch feminism, Hermione Granger was one of those characters who started off as a kid but grew into a strong fighter whose skills in magic and other fields were tremendous. It's difficult to imagine how Harry would have survived without her aid. A studious, brave young lady who proved to be a valuable asset for the trio with her encyclopedic knowledge, she is spirited and cheerful with ambitions and talents and a strong sense of right and wrong. She often saved the three from multiple troubles. Her quick wit and deft recall made her favourite amongst every Potterhead.
Fierce and feisty, Ginny Weasley is a great character who enjoys playing Quidditch and reading books. She displays bravery beyond her years throughout the series as she fights against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. However, she doesn't let her good looks or popularity go to her head like some other characters do; instead, she constantly proves that she's got what it takes to be a Gryffindor!
The only girl in the Weasley family, she played a supporting role in the first few books but eventually stepped into the spotlight and earned her place as a true Hogwarts hero. She is also a member of the Dumbledore's Army. Her talent in Quidditch is also worth mentioning; the most loyal friend, the best supporter, she is one of those people you wouldn't want to lose!
One of the most underrated and underappreciated characters in the series, Luna Lovegood's importance to Harry's journey is undeniable. A Ravenclaw student with dreamy nature and peculiar behaviour, her strong personality and honesty make her character admirable. She may not be one of the brightest witches when it comes to academics, but she is never ashamed of being herself.
She is probably the most interesting character of the lot. Eccentric, sweet, brave and loyal with an amazing insight into the world around her, Luna is the one who made Harry believe that his parents were still with him in spirit. She was accepted by the trio as their own, despite being a little strange.
A great role model, her self-love is something we all could borrow!
Without any doubt, Minerva McGonagall is the best professor ever! She is fierce, smart and loyal who always stands up and fights for what's right. A highly skilled Scottish witch with stern looks, She was proud of her heritage and took her role as a role model seriously. She was the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Head of Gryffindor House.
When it came to her family and friends, She would give anything. A woman of few words, it's amazing how much courage and strength she had been hiding all these years under her stern appearance! Minerva McGonagall was the smartest witch of her age and broke gender stereotypes which is definitely something we all need to learn from her!
The most prominent maternal figure in the Harry Potter series, the Weasley matriarch, is a perfect example of courage and strength. She was a dominating female presence in the series and a true daughter of Gryffindor.
A kind and warm woman, She is a terrific example of what it means to put family above all else. She loves her children and is ready to do anything to protect them. Her undying support and loyalty towards her loved ones make her an important character throughout the series.
Intelligent, skilled and a member of The Order of the Phoenix, she had no problem getting into a fight with Bellatrix Lestrange, and she didn't step down from going head to head with Voldemort himself. We have a lot to learn from her, especially her bravery!
In the world of Harry Potter, Lily Potter has her name in the history books as The Boy Who Lived's mother. She made the ultimate sacrifice by giving her life for her son.v Hence, she deserves mention in this list.
She was brave and loyal and a true Gryffindor with a strong sense of justice and fair play. Exceptionally talented witch with skills in the Patronus Charm and defensive magic, she has been a strong influence on Harry even without her physical presence in the series.
Lily's love, intelligence and bravery made her a fan favourite. She gave her life to protect Harry from Voldemort, and that sacrifice continues to inspire others to fight against evil, specifically Voldemort and his followers.
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nice, neat and informative